Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 6:30pm
Union School Library
1. Call To Order
2. Approval of Minutes: March 30,,2023 and April 5, 2023
3. Individuals To Be Heard
4. Communications
5. Administrative Reports & Activities Summary
a. Superintendent’s & Principal’s Report
6. Committee Reports
a. Curriculum
b. Communication
c. Transportation
d. Personnel
e. Building
7. Financial Report
a. Review of Bills
b. 2022-2023 BOE Spending Plan
8. Old Business
a. 2023-2024 BOE Spending Plan
b. Community Conversation Discussion/Next Steps
9. New Business
a. BOE Member Resignation
b. Staff Member Resignation
c. 23-24 Calendar
d. PK-8 Structure
e. Woodstock Academy Agreement
f. MOU Stipend
10. Individuals To Be Heard
11. Adjournment