Events for January 10, 2025

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Transfer Station Paving Request for Proposal now being accepted

Transfer Station 1024 Buckley Hwy, Union

TOWN OF UNION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1024 BUCKLEY HIGHWAY UNION CT, 06076 Phone (860) 684-4706 Fax (860) 684-8830 "This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider" TOWN OF UNION RFP The Town of Union request for proposal, for the paving of our transfer station area covering approximately 2,400 square yards. 1. Removal or reclamation of existing asphalt. 2. Re-grading and compacting of area. 3. Installation of3" bituminous asphalt 2 1 ½" courses compacted in between. 4. Installation of 100 feet of cape cop curbing. 5. Town will supply any needed material for final grade. 6. Work will need to [...]

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