PROPERTY TAXES DUE IN JANUARY Payment may be made at the UNION TOWN HALL at 1043 Buckley Highway, Union, CT on Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:00AM – 12:00NOON in person or mailed to 1043 Buckley Highway, Union, CT 06076.
PROPERTY TAXES DUE IN JANUARY Payment may be made at the UNION TOWN HALL at 1043 Buckley Highway, Union, CT on Tuesdays & Wednesdays 9:00AM – 12:00NOON in person or mailed to 1043 Buckley Highway, Union, CT 06076.
Click here for more information from NDDH
Town of Union 2025 Transfer Station Permits are now available in the Selectman's Office. ALL APPLICANTS MUST HAVE A VALID VEHICLE REGISTRATION INDICATING A UNION ADDRESS, OR OWN REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF UNION. -PER TOWN OF UNION TRANSFER STATION RULES AND REGULATIONS SECTION 1B. -ALSO, PER SECTION 2B, ALL TRASH BROUGHT TO THE TRANSFER STATION MUST BE GENERATED IN TOWN. Contact Karen at (860)684-3812 or for more information or to have the permits mailed to you if you are not available during business hours (Tues, Wed, Thurs 9am-12noon; Wed 1-3pm). When requesting permits, indicate if renewing current [...]
Union was the last town to be settled east of the Connecticut River, largely because of its rough terrain and poor soil. In 1633, John Oldham, an adventurer from Massachusetts, obtained specimens of black lead or graphite from the Indians. During the Revolutionary War Governor Trumbull tapped this valuable resource for use at cannon foundries. On July 1, 1720 the General Assembly sold 12,500 acres to 12 proprietors for 307 pounds, comprising the area that is now Union.
Town of Union Connecticut
1043 Buckley Highway
Union, CT 06076
Selectman’s Office:
(860) 684-3812
Clerk’s Office:
(860) 684-3770
(860) 684-8830
Selectman & Office Administrator
Tue: 9-12 Wed: 9-12 & 1-3 Thu: 9-12
© Copyright – 2022 -2024 Town of Union Connecticut