Union School Seeking Substitutes and Bus Drivers
Substitutes and bus drivers needed at Union School. Please contact Steve Jackopsic at sjackopsic@unionschool.net for more information.
Substitutes and bus drivers needed at Union School. Please contact Steve Jackopsic at sjackopsic@unionschool.net for more information.
COVID VACCINE CLINIC WEDNESDAY, October 25, 2023 2:00 - 3:00 PM Appointments Only 3:00-4:00PM Walk-ins Allowed Community Room, Lower Level Town of Union 1043 Buckley Highway Union, Connecticut The Moderna Vaccine will be administered The flu shot will be available while supplies last. Appointments strongly recommended Call the Big Y Pharmacy at (860)684-4597 or schedule online. Click here to schedule online
UNION AWARDED STEAP GRANT Small Town Economic Assistance Program (STEAP), a state program managed by the Office of Policy and Management (OPM), has awarded Union a $400,000 grant for the reconstruction of Webster Road.
A big Thank You to Stickney Hill Flowers at 308 Stickney Hill Road and Premier Business Enterprises at 1030 Buckley Highway for their donations of flowers and mulch. And special Thanks to Stan Calabrese for planting a beautiful Town Green Historical Society Garden.
Save the Date! On November 30th at ~5:30-8:00pm, the Union BOE will be hosting a Community Conversation centered around future high school options at the Union School, 19 Kinney Hollow Road
TAX COLLECTOR’S NOTICE All persons liable to pay taxes to the Town of Union are hereby notified that I have a warrant to collect a tax of 28.35 mils on a dollar on the Grand List of October 1, 2022. The second payment of Real Estate and Personal Property taxes and the Motor Vehicle Supplemental List taxes are due and payable January 1, 2024. If the tax is not paid within one month of the due date INTEREST of 1 ½% per month or fraction thereof from the due date and all legal fees for collecting will be [...]
Operation Fuel's energy assistance program is now accepting applications for the winter/spring 2024 season. Eligible CT residents can apply for energy assistance (gas, electric, oil, or other deliverable fuel) and may receive a one-time grant of up to $500.00 to help with energy bills. For more information or to apply, please visit operationfuel.org/gethelp.
NOTICE OF REPUBLICAN CAUCUS To enrolled members of the Republican Party in the town of Union CT: Pursuant to the rules of the Republican Party and state election laws, you are hereby notified that a caucus will be held on Monday, January 15, 2024 at 7:30 PM at Union town hall, 1043 Buckley Highway. Purpose of caucus is to endorse candidates for the Republican Town Committee.
TOWN OF UNION OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK LEGAL NOTICE A certified list of 8 Republican party-endorsed candidates for the town of Union for election as Members of the Republican Town Committee At-Large is on file in my office at 1043 Buckley Hwy. Union, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution. The number of Town committee Members to be elected, under party rules, is 15. A Primary will be held March 5, 2024, if 4 candidacies (which is at least 25% of the number of town committee members to be elected by such party in the municipality) are filed [...]
TOWN OF UNION OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK LEGAL NOTICE A certified list of 7 Democratic party-endorsed candidates for the town of Union for election as Members of the Democratic Town Committee At-Large is on file in my office at 1043 Buckley Hwy. Union, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution. The number of Town committee Members to be elected, under party rules, is 11. A Primary will be held March 5, 2024, if 3 candidacies (which is at least 25% of the number of town committee members to be elected by such party in the municipality) are filed [...]
TOWN OF UNION CONNECTICUT Board of Assessment Appeals 1043 Buckley Highway, Union CT 06076 (860)684-3812 assessmentappeals@unionconnecticut.org February 5, 2024 The Town of Union CT Board of Assessment Appeals will meet, by appointment only, on March 8, 2024, March 15, 2024, and March 22, 2024 at 7:30PM and March 16, 2024 at 10:00AM, at the Union Town Hall to discuss the written appeals received. Those wishing to appeal their real estate, motor vehicle or personal property tax assessments must submit a completed appeal application to the Assessor’s Office no later than February 20, 2024. Failure to file a written request on [...]
At the Transfer Station February 10th 9:00am-12:00pm Distributing free Deterra pill disposal pouches Check this for more information-Deterra pouches, which can dispose of up to 90 pills each once water is added, https://deterrasystem.com/products-for-personal-use/.
Union was the last town to be settled east of the Connecticut River, largely because of its rough terrain and poor soil. In 1633, John Oldham, an adventurer from Massachusetts, obtained specimens of black lead or graphite from the Indians. During the Revolutionary War Governor Trumbull tapped this valuable resource for use at cannon foundries. On July 1, 1720 the General Assembly sold 12,500 acres to 12 proprietors for 307 pounds, comprising the area that is now Union.
Town of Union Connecticut
1043 Buckley Highway
Union, CT 06076
Selectman’s Office:
(860) 684-3812
Clerk’s Office:
(860) 684-3770
(860) 684-8830
Selectman & Office Administrator
Tue: 9-12 Wed: 9-12 & 1-3 Thu: 9-12
© Copyright – 2022 -2024 Town of Union Connecticut