Events for March 16, 2025

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State Energy Assistance Available

Operation Fuel's energy assistance program is now accepting applications for the winter/spring 2024 season. Eligible CT residents can apply for energy assistance (gas, electric, oil, or other deliverable fuel) and may receive a one-time grant of up to $500.00 to help with energy bills. For more information or to apply, please visit

Legal Notice: Republican Town Committee Caucus

TOWN OF UNION OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK LEGAL NOTICE A certified list of 8 Republican party-endorsed candidates for the town of Union for election as Members of the Republican Town Committee At-Large is on file in my office at 1043 Buckley Hwy. Union, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution.  The number of Town committee Members to be elected, under party rules, is 15. A Primary will be held March 5, 2024, if 4 candidacies (which is at least 25% of the number of town committee members to be elected by such party in the municipality) are filed [...]

Legal Notice: Democrat Town Committee Caucus

TOWN OF UNION OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK LEGAL NOTICE A certified list of 7 Democratic party-endorsed candidates for the town of Union for election as Members of the Democratic Town Committee At-Large is on file in my office at 1043 Buckley Hwy. Union, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution.  The number of Town committee Members to be elected, under party rules, is 11. A Primary will be held March 5, 2024, if 3 candidacies (which is at least 25% of the number of town committee members to be elected by such party in the municipality) are filed [...]

Board of Education Special Meeting January 31, 2024, 6:30pm

Union School 18 Kinney Hollow Road, Union

Union Board of Education Special Meeting Union, CT 06076 Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 6:30pm Union School Library Agenda 1. Call to Order 2. Policy Review 3. New Ad Hoc Committee for Future High School options

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