Meeting Minutes

Dan Camerota, ChairPlanning & Zoning Commission

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, & Joe Popovitch. Alternate: Erick Ponkala

The meeting of March 19, 2025 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Dan Camerota motioned to seat an alternate. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of March 5, 2025 were reviewed. Erick Ponkala made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. Dan Camerota abstained. The motion was carried.

Morris C. Lewis of 425 Stickney Hill Road discussed with the Commission a house application submitted on February 5, 2025. The Commission continued to discuss wetlands located on the property.

The Commission discussed 19 Old Barrows Road.

Dan Camerota made a motion to add Michael Tomkunas of 144 Stickney Hill Rd to the agenda. Erick Ponkala seconded. The motion was carried. Dan Camerota made a motion to accept a zoning application submitted Michael Tomkunas for an 12’x 20’ shed at 144 Stickney Hill Road. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried. $85.00 paid.

Jim Luzack, representing PCamp Holdings LLC, presented plans for a special permit renewal for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. Mr. Luczak requested the Commission consider waving the public hearing for the permit renewal. The Commission received the application but will review for future considerations.

The Commission discussed solar panels at 931 Buckley Highway. No further action is required at this time.

Correspondence was discussed.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popvitch. Meeting adjourned at 9:34 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Stan Calabrese (Acting Chairman), Andy Mihaliak, & Joe Popovitch. Alternates: Mike Kneeland & Erick Ponkala

ZEO: Andrew Marchese

The meeting of March 5, 2025 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Joe Popovitch motioned to seat alternates. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland & Erick Ponkala were seated.

The minutes of February 19, 2025 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Morris C. Lewis of 425 Stickney Hill Road discussed with the Commission and the ZEO the need for a wetland permit and updated plot plans for his house application submitted on February 5, 2025.

The Commission tabled a wood shed application from Dan Camerota of 132 Carion Road.

Tom Bacon of 6 Bush Road asked the Commission to review plans for a 32’ x 40’ two story building he wants to add to his property.

Jim Luzack, representing 154 Cemetery Road, submitted a survey and droid overview of the current earth removal permitted at 154 Cemetery Road.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, and Joe Popovitch

The meeting of February 19, 2025 was called to order at 7:33 pm.

The minutes of February 5, 2025 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to amend the minutes the change “Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes” to “Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes.” Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Shannon D’Alessandro submitted an application for an 8’ x 10’ shed at 2 Stickney Hill Road on February 5, 2025. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #25006 issued.

Morris C. Lewis submitted an application for a house at 425 Stickney Hill Road on February 5, 2025. Jim George of 421 Stickney Hill Road asked to be heard concerning the application. Mr. George discussed with the Commission his concern that wetlands may be disturbed with the construction of a home at 425 Stickney Hill Road. Mr. Lewis confirmed with his engineer that no wetlands existed that would be compromised by construction. Mr. George disagreed. The Commission tabled the application for further research.

Matt Busey, representing Signarama, proposed a change to the face of a previously approved sign at 2 Mashapaug Road (Airstream). Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the change. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed. The Commission will have the ZEO contact Ray Crossen of 90 Cemetery Road.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Stan Calabrese. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, and Joe Popovitch; alternates Carol Berner & Erick Ponkala.

The meeting of February 5, 2025 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Stan Calabrese motioned to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of January 15, 2025 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Leslie Brooks submitted an application and plans for a garage lean-to at 134 Barrows Road on January 15, 2025. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #25002 issued.

Paul Rizza submitted an application and plans for a pool at 205 Bigelow Hollow Rd on January 15, 2025. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #25003 issued.

Barry Johnson submitted an application and plans for a 10’ x 20’ shed at 182 Webster Road on January 15, 2025. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit # 25004 issued.

Jay McGlone submitted an application and plans for a 12’ x 13’ addition at 780-9 Whipple Lane on January 15, 2025. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #25005 issued.

Shannon D’Alessandro submitted an application for an 8’ x 10’ shed at 2 Stickney Hill Road. Erick Ponkala made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85 cash paid.

Morris C. Lewis submitted an application for a house at 425 Stickney Hill Road. Stan Calabrese made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $210 paid.

Michael Tomkunas of 144 Stickney Hill Road discussed with the Commission a structure on his property covering his firewood.

Correspondence was discussed.

ZEO report was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, Barry Kapplan, and Joe Popovitch; alternates Mike Kneeland & Erick Ponkala.

The meeting of January 15, 2025 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of December 18, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Stephen Wass submitted an application and plans for a 10’ x 14’ shed at 990 Buckley Highway. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 paid. #25001 issued.

Paul Rizza submitted an application and plans for a pool at 205 Bigelow Hollow Rd. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accepted the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 cash paid.

Jay McGlone submitted an application and plans for a 12’ x 13’ addition at 780-9 Whipple Lane. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 cash paid.

Barry Johnson submitted an application and plans for a 10’ x 20’ shed at 182 Webster Road. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 cash paid.

Jordan Webber of 61 Cemetery Road inquired with the Commission adding an addition to his property. The Commission recommended getting a survey.

Leslie Brooks submitted an application and plans for a garage lean-to at 134 Barrows Road. Stan Calabrese made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Brian Latham of 52 Rindge Road inquired with the Commission if he needed a permit to clean up the property of waste and fallen trees. They also discussed the options to build in the future.

The Commission tabled Nick Harvey of 2 Gilbronson Road.

Dan Camerota will follow up with Gary Kerr of 19 Old Barrows Road.

Correspondence was discussed.

Violation letters were discussed.

Barry Kapplan motioned the Commission to take a vote on using Stafford’s current ZEO on a trial basis. The Commission voted 3 yes & 2 no. First Selectman David Eaton will follow up with Stafford.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 9:28 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

No meeting held.

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, Barry Kapplan, and Joe Popovitch; alternates Mike Kneeland & Erick Ponkala.

The meeting of December 18, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of December 4, 2024 were reviewed. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Barry Kapplan abstained. The motion was carried.

The Commission discussed inquires about 21-12 Howard Road.

The Commission signed off on a Certificate of Occupancy for Jessica & Phillip McCaffrey of 160 Stickney Hill Road.

The Commission will request Mat Silbermann to resign as ZEO due to lack of certification required by the State of Connecticut.

Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the ZEO provided by the Town of Stafford for the Town of Union pending contractual negotiations. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, and Joe Popovitch; alternate Erick Ponkala.

The meeting of December 4, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Stan Calabrese made a motion to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of November 20, 2024 were reviewed. Erick Ponkala made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Dan Camerota abstained. The motion was carried.

Jennifer Knobloch submitted plans and a zoning application for a deck and handicap ramp at 1174 Buckley Highway. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 paid. Permit #24017 issued.

Correspondence was discussed.

Stan Calabrese made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Stan Calabrese (Acting Chair), Andy Mihaliak, Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan; alternates Erick Ponkala, and Mike Kneeland.

The meeting of November 20, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of November 6, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala abstained. The motion was carried.

Jennifer Knobloch of 1174 Buckley Highway asked to be added to the agenda. Stan Calabrese made a motion to add Ms. Knobloch to the agenda. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Ms. Knobloch discussed with the Commission adding a deck and a handicap ramp to the dining hall at 1174 Buckley Highway.

Barry Kapplan motioned to accept the 2025 meeting dates, cancelling the meetings on January 1, 2025 and July 2, 2025. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were favor. The motion was carried.

The Commission and First Selectman David Eaton discussed a drafted ZEO agreement with the town of Stafford, CT.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman) Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan; alternates Carol Berner and Mike Kneeland; ZEO Mat Silbermann

The meeting of November 6, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of October 16, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Stephen Wass e-mailed an application for a shed at 990 Buckley Highway. Mr. Wass was not in attendance and payment was not submitted.

Robert Martorelli submitted an application and plans for a 10’ x 16’ shed at 7 Barrows Road on October 16, 2024. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24015 issued.

Jim Luczak, representing PCamp Holdings LLC, presented plans and a wetland application for a wood road at 154 Cemetery Road on October 16, 2024. Mr. Luczak also added a wetland and watercourse survery report for the property. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. The application was approved.

George Paytaryan submitted an application and plans for a 12’ x 24’ shed at 19 Gilbronson Road on Ocotber 16, 2024. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24016 issued.

Andrew Marchese, part time ZEO for Stafford CT, discussed with the commission his credentials as a potential shared services option for a certified ZEO replacement for the town. Dan Camerota made a motion to move forward with a shared services option. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. First Selectman David Eaton will move forward in negotiations with Stafford.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan motioned to not exceed $200 from the planning and zoning expense budget line item for a donation to the Union School Association in memory of Cecilia Bray. This is in replacement of the condolence arrangement approved October 16, 2024. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman) Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak, Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan; alternates Erick Ponkala, Carol Berner, and Mike Kneeland.

The meeting of October 16, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of October 2, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Robert Martorelli submitted an application and plans for a 10’ x 16’ shed at 7 Barrows Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to add George Paytaryan of 19 Gilbronson Road to the agenda. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. Mr. Paytaryan was added.

George Paytaryan submitted an application and plans for a 12’ x 24’ shed at 19 Gilbronson Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Jim Luczak, representing PCamp Holdings LLC, presented plans and a wetland application for a wood road at 154 Cemetery Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. The application was accepted. $220.00 paid.

The Commission requested a survey of 154 Cemetery Road from Mr. Luczak.

Stan Calabrese motioned to not exceed $200 from the planning and zoning expense budget line item for a condolences arrangement. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Stan Calabrese. Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman) Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan; alternates Erick Ponkala, and Mike Kneeland; ZEO Mat Silbermann

The meeting of October 2, 2024 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Barry Kapplan motioned to seat an alternate. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of September 18, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mark Ashton submitted a zoning application for a 10’ x 16’ sunroom at 206 Bigelow Hollow Road. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 paid. Permit #24014 issued.

Barry Kapplan motioned to add Jim Luczak, representing 154 Cemetery Road, to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Jim Luczak presented plans and a wetlands application for a wood road at 154 Cemetery Road. This would provide an alternate route and exit for trucks removing gravel from the location. The goal of the road is to limit traffic on Cemetery Road. The Commission requested Mr. Luczak return to the next scheduled meeting detailing the other exits that may be available on the property.

Deb Roberts of 14 Cemetery Road submitted a letter to the Commission, signed by other property owners on Cemetery Road, detailing her concerns with the gravel removal operations at 124 & 154 Cemetery Road. She also gave a copy to Mr. Luczak at the meeting.

Louis & Deb Roberts of 14 Cemetery Road, Dwight Wotowick of 42 Cemetery Road, & Mike & Brenda Anger of 115 Cemetery Road all shared with the Commission their agreement with Mr. Luczak’s proposed wood road plans which would help address their concerns of truck traffic on Cemetery Road. Wendy Leja of 77 Cemetery Road stated her concerns of the gravel removal on Cemetery Road. She inquired if there would ever be an end to the operation.

Correspondence was discussed.

ZEO report was discussed.

The Commission discussed the job responsibilities and certifications needed of the ZEO, with the possibility of hiring a certified ZEO per diem. Mat Silbermann will continue as ZEO while the Commission reviews viable options.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Stan Calabrese. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present: Stan Calabrese (acting chair), Andy Mihaliak, Joe Popovitch, Barry

Kapplan, and alternates Erick Ponkala, Carol Berner, and Mike Kneeland.

The meeting of September 18, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Stan Calabrese motioned to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol Berner was seated.

The minutes of September 4, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mark Ashton submitted a zoning application for a sunroom at 206 Bigelow Hollow Road. The Commission requires more information.

George Paytaryan of 19 Gilbronson Road followed up on discussion from last meeting on zoning regulations for accessory buildings.

The Commission reviewed the Zoning Compliance Annual Report and will research for next meeting.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (Chairman), Stan Calabrese (Secretary), Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan, and alternates Erick Ponkala and

Mike Kneeland.

The meeting of September 4, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of August 21, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

James Trinque submitted a zoning application for a 24’ swimming pool at 658 Buckley Highway on July 17, 2024. Stan Calabrese made a motion to deny the application based upon measurements. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was denied.

William Hanekamp submitted a zoning application and plans for an 8’ x 20’ deck at 1044 Buckley Highway on August 21, 2024. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24012 issued.

Greg Slupecki submitted a zoning application and plans for a 26’ x 32’ barn at 581 Buckley Highway on August 21, 2024. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24013 issued.

George Paytaryan inquired about what options he had available for an accessory building at 19 Gilbronson Road. The Commission will research and discuss viable options that follow the town regulations.

The Commission discussed with PCamp Holdings, LLC, represented by Pat Camputaro and James Luczak, the restrictions for the special permit at 154 Cemetery Road. The Commission asked that trucks exit from 154 Cemetery Road and not 124 Cemetery Road. They also addressed concerns of trucks starting early and driving too fast on Buckley Highway. Mr. Camputaro and Mr. Luczak agreed to address the concerns right away and abide by the terms of the permit. They are also looking into alternative options to help trucks avoid using Cemetery Road.

Multiple residents asked to be heard concerning the special permit for earth removal at 124 Cemetery Road and 154 Cemetery Road. Sterling Macpherson of 28 Cemetery Road, Dwight Woytowick of 42 Cemetery Road and Larry Palmer of 56 Cemetery Road expressed their concerns about the volumes of trucks hauling down Cemetery Road and maintaining the street as a rural residential area.

Correspondence was discussed.

Jim Price asked to be heard regarding a commercial property for sale on Buckley Highway. He inquired about how to find out where the wetlands are on the property and how to obtain a driveway permit.

Dan Camerota reviewed and signed property survey map #578 for the Town Clerk’s office.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 pm.

________________________                                                    ________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Dan Camerota

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairman

Members present:       Dan Camerota (acting Chair), Stan Calabrese, Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch, Barry Kapplan, and alternates Erick Ponkala and

Mike Kneeland.

The meeting of August 21, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of August 07, 2024 were reviewed. Stan Calabrese made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to table the zoning application submitted by James Trinque for a 24’ swimming pool at 658 Buckley Highway until a detailed plan is submitted. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Nick Harvey submitted a zoning application for a sign at 37 Holland Rd on August 7, 2024. After discussion, Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24011 issued.

William Hanekamp submitted a zoning application and plans for an 8’ x 20’ deck at 1044 Buckley Highway. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak

seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Greg Slupecki submitted a zoning application and plans for a 26’ x 32’ barn at 581 Buckley Highway. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to accept the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $210.00 paid.

Wendy Leja addressed her concerns with the gravel operations at 124 & 154 Cemetery Road. Some of her concerns included truck traffic, time frame of the permits, public hearing advertising, and why the permits were approved by the Commission.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to appoint Dan Camerota as Chairman for the Commission. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Dan Camerota abstained. Motion was carried.

Dan Camerota made a motion to appoint Stan Calabrese as Secretary for the Commission. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Stan Calabrese abstained. Motion was carried.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Stan Calabrese. Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota (acting Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch

Stan Calabrese

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of August 7, 2024 was called to order at 7:35 pm.

Stan Calabrese made a motion to seat the alternates. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol was seated.

The minutes of July 17, 2024 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to table the zoning application submitted by James Trinque for a 24’ swimming pool at 658 Buckley Highway until a detailed plan is submitted. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Carol Berner made a motion to add Nick Harvey to the agenda. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Nick Harvey submitted a zoning application for a sign at 37 Holland Rd. Joe Popovitch made a motion to accept the application. Carol Berner seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

ZEO report was discussed.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Stan Calabrese. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Barry Kapplan (acting Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of July 17, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Erick Ponkala were seated.

The minutes of June 19, 2024 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Nick Harvey submitted a zoning application for a 60’ x 60’ garage located at 2 Gilbronson Road on June 19, 2024. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24006 issued.

Trisha and Daniel Gaunya submitted plans, zoning application, and a wetland permit application for a house located at Old Brown Road (03/15/008) on June 19, 2024. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the wetland permit application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the zoning application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24007 issued. Street number 14 was assigned to the property.

Ray Crossen submitted a zoning application for a 10’x 10’ shed located at 90 Cemetery Road. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24008 issued. $85.00 paid.

Bill Hull submitted two zoning application for two 16’ x 20’ cabins located at 159 Kinney Hollow Road. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve both applications. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24009 & #24010 issued. $170 paid.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to add James Trinque to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded. All were in favor. James Trinque submitted a zoning application for a 24’ swimming pool at 658 Buckley Highway. Joe Popovitch made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. $85.00 cash paid.

George Paytaryan of 19 Gilbronson road inquired about placing a shed or garage on his property. The Commission discussed the options for the property.

ZEO report was discussed.

Edmond Woulfe submitted a wetland permit application for a lot on Stickney Hill Road (02/01/026) on June 19, 2024. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the wetland permit. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. 4 yes & 1 no. Permit approved.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to fill the Commission seat vacancy of July 1, 2024- July 1, 2029 with Stan Calabrese. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Stan Calabrese was seated.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Dan Camerota

Joe Popovitch

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of June 19, 2024 was called to order at 7:32 pm.

The minutes of June 5, 2024 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Ethan Smith representing Norcross presented plans for a subdivision at 441 Stickney Hill Road. The Commission reviewed the plans and advised the next step would be to file the map with the Town Clerk.

Edmond Woulfe submitted a wetland permit application for a lot on Stickney Hill Road (02/01/026). Dan Camerota made a motion to accept the wetland permits. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. $195.00 paid.

Union Congregational Church submitted plans for a proposed lot split at 931 Buckley Highway.

Nick Harvey submitted a zoning application for a 60’ x 60’ garage located at 2 Gilbronson Rd. A driveway permit will be needed for approval. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. $210.00 paid.

The Commission discussed a certificate of occupancy with Sibilla Flannery of 95 Webster Road.

Trisha and Daniel Gaunya submitted plans, zoning application, and wetland permit application for a house located at Old Brown Road. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to accept the wetlands permit application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. $210.00 paid. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to accept the zoning application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. $210.00 paid.

Ray Crossen of 90 Cemetery Road asked for clarification on zoning applications needed for sheds location on his property.

Ethan Smith of 85 George Heck Rd inquired about sizes of accessory buildings requiring a permit.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Joseph Popovitch

Barry Kapplan

Dan Camerota

Andy Mihaliak

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The Public Hearing of June 5, 2024 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Lee Fitzgerald read the legal notice as posted in the Hartford Courant.

Interested parties were invited to be heard. Union residents asked questions and voiced their concerns.

Questions and concerns included current setbacks, reasoning for the revisions, current accessory building size not required to have a permit, and if commercial zone height could be increased.

Lee Fitzgerald answered questions from the residents during the meeting. Some of the answers included a change in setbacks to meet current state health code, the commission working on revisions for a few years now with no hidden agenda, 32 square feet or less for accessory buildings to not need a permit, and no increase on commercial building height.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to close the hearing, seconded by Joe Popovitch.

The minutes of May 15, 2024 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Doug Teeson of 21-26 Howard Road requested to be heard. He shared with the Commission information on an invasive weed called swollen bladderwort beginning to appear in Mashapaug Lake. He stated there is no concern by the state as of now but people should be aware.

Ray Crossen of 90 Cemetery Road discussed an agricultural split of his property. The Commission questioned Mr. Crossen about sheds being built on his property. They requested he file a permit with the Commission if he wishes to continue building and selling.

Ethan Smith, representing Norcross, continued to discuss plans on a lot split of 441 Stickney Hill Road.

The ZEO report was discussed.

Lee Fitzgerald signed a records retention application submitted by the Town Clerk.

Dan Camerota motioned to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Lee Ann Fitzgerald                                                                 Leanne Lake

Chairperson                                                                            Recording Secretary

Legal Notice

Planning and Zoning/Inland Wetlands Commission

Town of Union CT

On May 15, 2024, the Town of Union Planning and Zoning Commission approved a Special Permit, submitted by PCamp Holdings, LLC, for a 3 acre sand bank located on property at 154 Cemetery Road.

Copies of this permit will be available at the Union Town Hall in the Town Clerk’s Office.

Lee Fitzgerald, Chairperson P&Z

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Joseph Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The Public Hearing of May 15, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Lee Fitzgerald reread the legal notice as posted in the Hartford Courant.

The special permit application for the removal of sand and gravel from a 3-acre area located on property at 154 Cemetery Road was presented by PCamp Holdings, LLC, represented by Jim Luczak and Pat Camputaro. Mr. Luczak presented updated plans with grading and fencing.

Barry Kapplan asked about the exit on the property.

Mr. Luczak asked about item 5 (7:30- 4:30) on the special permit conditions drafted by the Commission. He also asked about item 8 (final elevation). He may dig deeper.

Andy Mihaliak asked Mr. Luczak about his current operation at 124 Cemetery Road and number of trucks filled daily.

Mike Kneeland reiterated magnitude of trucks.

Trucks are filled out separately, so number of trucks are known in case the Commision wants to know in the future.

Barry Kapplan makes a motion to close the public hearing. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All in favor. The public hearing was closed.

The minutes of May 1, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Barry Kapplan suggest item 5 on the drafted special permit conditions should stand. The Commission modified item 8 to a final elevation of 840 or greater.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the special permit for gravel removal at 154 Cemetery Rd submitted by PCamp Holdings LLC with the modified conditions decided by the Commission. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. Andy Mihaliak voted against. 4 yes. 1 no. The special permit was approved. Copies of the special permit can be reviewed in the Town Clerk’s office or at the Union Town Hall.

Scott Mangold of 119 Webster road inquired about putting in a pond on his property that was approved 20 years ago. He would bring in the materials for the pond. The Commission requested Mr. Mangold find out how much material he would need and recommended to check with UConn extension about pond design.

Norcross, represented by Ethan Smith, submitted a draft of part of the property being purchased at 421 Stickney Hill Road. The property needs to be combined with existing NWF property. The Commission will check with the land use attorney if the property can be combined with other land owned by Norcross in Stafford, CT.

Dan Camerota submitted a zoning application and plans for a gazebo located at 132 Carion Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. Dan Camerota recused himself. The rest were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #24005 issued. $85.00 paid.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lee Fitzgerald. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

______________________    ____________________       ______________________

Lee Ann Fitzgerald                  Dan Camerota                        Leanne Lake

Chairperson                            Commission                           Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Joseph Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Andy Mihaliak

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The Public Hearing of May 1, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Dan Camerota made a motion to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

Lee Fitzgerald read the legal notice as posted in the Hartford Courant.

The special permit application and plans for the removal of sand and gravel from a 3-acre area located on property at 154 Cemetery Road was presented by PCamp Holdings, LLC, represented by Jim Luczak and Pat Camputaro. Mr. Luczak stated permission was given by the current owners of the property and is on record at the Town Clerk’s office. Mr. Luczak proposed hours of operation to run Monday-Friday 7am- 5pm with no weekends or holidays. He also requested 35 truckloads a day, using the previous route established.

Interested parties were invited to be heard. Union residents asked questions and voiced their concerns or support. These residents included David Eaton, Chris Magnano, Susan & Edward Bernat, Heidi Bradrick, and Cheryl D’Amico.

Questions and concerns included exhaust pollution, traffic direction, surveying the area, state inspections on trucks, pit depth, long term goals, tree clearing, months of operation, site safety, who to contact, and truck size. Residents also complimented the current truck drivers for being courteous, slow, and keeping the roads clear.

Questions and concerns from the Commission members included alternate exits, next phase plans, material total on entire property, total load counts, hours of operation, loader use, surveying, and how much material is left in the 3 acres area requested in the permit.

Lee Fitzgerald read a letter from Sterling MacPherson of 28 Cemetery Road voicing his concerns if the permit is approved.

Mr. Luczak answered questions from the residents and commission during the meeting. Some of the answers included having a survey submitted at completion, trucks existing out of the existing driveway, maps being handed to drivers on where to travel, elevation matching neighboring property at 839 ft when completed, material taken as long as there is a demand, limited clearing needed, site inspected for safety, the use of a separate loader, and 20 some acres of material on entire property.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to continue the hearing, seconded by Joe Popovitch.

The minutes of April 17, 2024 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

After some further discussion, Dan Camerota motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mike Kneeland. Meeting adjourned at 9:26 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Lee Ann Fitzgerald                                                                 Leanne Lake

Chairperson                                                                            Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of April 17, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of April 3, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Trisha and Daniel Gaunya presented updated plans for a new build on Old Brown Road. They inquired what else they would need before submitting a zoning application.

Ethan Smith had additional questions on subdividing a non-conforming lot on Stickney Hill Road.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to schedule a public hearing for changes in the zoning regulations to be held on June 5, 2024. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The Commission reviewed regulations and ordinances.

Rick Gottier submitted a zoning application for a 24’ x 48’ barn located at 5 Town Hall Road. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24004 issued. $210.00 paid in cash.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Dan Camerota

Joe Popovitch

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of April 3, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of March 20, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Earth Light submitted a zoning application for solar panels located at 39 Stickney Hill Rd. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application stipulated by the variance (V 72 PG 274) approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24003 issued. $85.00 paid.

PCamp Holdings LLC, represented by Jim Luczak, presented plans for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. A special permit was submitted by Mr. Luczak for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. Dan Camerota motioned to accept the special permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission accepted the application. $360.00 was paid. A public hearing is also required for the town residents to be able to review and ask any questions regarding the special permit. A public hearing was set by the Commission for May 1, 2024 at 7:30 pm at the Union Town Hall.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to add Rick Gottier to the agenda. Mr. Gottier discussed plans of adding a barn to his property at 5 Town Hall Road. He will submit an application at the next meeting.

The Commission reviewed the regulations.

Dan Camerota made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of March 20, 2024 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Erick Ponkala were seated.

The minutes of March 6, 2024 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Tall Pines Development discussed plans for a special permit for gravel removal at 154 Cemetery Road. The Commission requested legal documentation that all current owners of the property agree with the special permit application.

Trisha Gaunya discussed building on a vacant lot on Old Brown Road. She questioned what to do for a driveway that may run into wetlands or if they could use part of the neighboring driveway.  The Commission recommended submitting a wetland permit as well as pursuing a driveway easement with neighboring property.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of March 6, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Lee Fitzgerlad made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of February 7, 2024 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Richard Joslyn submitted a zoning application for a 36’ x 10’ barn located at 11 Mashapaug Road. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24002 issued. $85.00 paid.

Cathy Taylor of 897 Buckley Highway is converting their existing garage into a commercial kitchen for personal use. The Commission instructed Mrs. Taylor to submit a building permit to the Building Inspector Joe Pajak.

Signarama submitted plans for two replacement signs and one new sign for Camper’s Inn at 2 Mashapaug Road. The Commission advised that they can replace the existing signs with a building permit but a new sign would not meet the current sign regulations.

Jim Luczak of 124 Cemetery Road informed the Commission that his company, Tall Pines LLC, would like to continue gravel removal at 154 Cemetery Road. Mr. Luczak inquired if he could modify his own special permit for earth removal to resume operations at 154 Cemetery Road. The Commission advised that a separate special permit application should be submitted. The current owner of 154 Cemetery Road should also submit a letter of permission with the application.

Correspondence and ZEO report were discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of February 7, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Lee Fitzgerlad made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of January 17, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The budget requests for the 2024-2025 fiscal year were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to submit the requests as written to the Board of Finance. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of February 7, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Lee Fitzgerlad made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of January 17, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The budget requests for the 2024-2025 fiscal year were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to submit the requests as written to the Board of Finance. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Joe Popovitch

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of January 17, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to seat an alternate. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of January 3, 2024 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Bill Hull submitted a zoning application for a 16’ x 24’ cabin located at 159 Kinney Hollow Road. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Erick Ponkala seconded the motion. All were in favor. Permit #24001 issued. $85.00 paid.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to add Ethan Smith from the Norcross Wildlife Foundation to the agenda. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Smith, who spoke with the Commission on October 4, 2023, had additional questions on subdividing a non-conforming lot on Stickney Hill Road. The Commission still recommended submitting an application to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Dan Camerota

Joe Popovitch

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of January 3, 2024 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of December 20, 2023 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Brian Sheldon of 154 Cemetery Road extended his apologies for prior violations to his special permit for gravel removal. He requested for the Commission to reconsider renewing the currently suspended permit month-to-month. Chairperson Lee Fitzgerald quoted an e-mail from Mr. Sheldon’s attorney Mark Branse, requesting that there be no discussion of the Sheldon excavation until an application has been submitted with new plans and a discussion on issues that have arisen in the past.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Camerota. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of December 20, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala was seated.

The minutes of December 6, 2023 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Tom Bacon submitted a zoning application for a 40’ x 60’ pole barn at 6 Bush Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in the favor. The application was approved. $210 paid. Permit #23015 issued.

Brian Sheldon and his attorney discussed with the Commission the cease-and-desist of his special permit for gravel removal at 154 Cemetery Road. The Commission asked Mr. Sheldon to submit an official application and fee for renewal at the next meeting, January 3, 2024.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to rescind the cease-and-desist on the special permit for gravel removal at 154 Cemetery Road to allow Mr. Sheldon to presume operation on Thursday, December 21, 2023 only. Erick Ponkala seconded the motion. 2 in favor. 3 opposed. Motion was not carried.

Lee Fitzgerald signed the Certificate of Occupancy for 95 Webster Road.

ZEO report was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Erick Ponkala. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

________________________                                                   _________________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Dan Camerota

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of December 6, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of November 15, 2023 were reviewed. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Jennifer Knobloch inquired subdividing her 15.5 lot on Buckley Highway (12/12/028) into 4 separate residential lots. The Commission recommended getting the lot surveyed and having a conceptual subdivision created.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to temporary suspend the special permit for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road until current violations are addressed. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried. A letter will be issued to Mr. Sheldon.

ZEO report was discussed.

Dan Camerota made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.

______________________                                                        ____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chair)

Andy Mihaliak

Dan Camerota

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of November 15, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Dan Camerota made a motion to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of November 1, 2023 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Stephen Wass submitted a zoning permit for solar panels at 990 Buckley Highway. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #23014 issued.

Dallas DeMichael inquired subdividing the lot at 68 Webster Road. Since the lot was previously subdivided, the Commission said there would have to be a public hearing for a resubdivision. They also advised getting the land surveyed and septic testing.

ZEO report was discussed.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to extend Brian Sheldon’s special permit for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road until January 3, 2024. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

______________________                                                        ____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                               Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                   Chairperson

Members present:       Andy Mihaliak

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of November 1, 2023 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat an alternate. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of October 18, 2023 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Jim Luczak requested a renewal of his special permit for gravel removal at 124 Cemetery Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to renew the special permit for two years. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. $360 paid.

The Commission signed off on a Certificate of Occupancy for Julie Solomon of 23 Cemetery Road.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to add Stephen Wass to the agenda. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Stephen Wass submitted a zoning permit for solar panels at 990 Buckley Highway. Mike Kneeland made a motion to accept the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairperson)

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of October 18, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat an alternate. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol Berner was seated.

The minutes of October 4, 2023 were reviewed. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the minutes. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Brian Sheldon of 154 Cemetery Road discussed renewing the special permit for earth removal on his property which expires November 2, 2023. Lee Fitzgerald recommended the Commission renew the permit on a month-to-month basis while Mr. Sheldon works out his wetland permit and additional plans. Barry Kapplan made a motion to renew the permit on a month-to-month basis. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to add Nick Harvey to the agenda. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mr. Harvey inquired about potentially buying 2 Gilbronson Road and if building a roll-off would be feasible. The Commission recommended developing a site plan and applying for a zoning permit if the current owner would sign an application before buying the property.

Barry Kapplan motioned to accept the 2024 meeting dates, cancelling the meeting on July 3, 2024. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were favor. The motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carol Berner. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Dan Camerota

Andy Mihaliak

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of October 4, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Andy Mihaliak made a motion to seat two alternates. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Erick Ponkala and Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of September 20, 2023 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Earth Light submitted a zoning application to add 21 SunPower modules and inverters to 617 Buckley Highway on September 20, 2023. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 paid. Permit #23012 issued.

Gary Cyr submitted a zoning application to build a 10’ x 12’ shed at 30 Bigelow Hollow Rd. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. $85.00 paid. Permit #23013 issued.

A representative from the Norcross Wildlife Foundation inquired about a current lot on Stickney Hill Road and non-conforming issues. The board recommended applying to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

ZEO report was discussed.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to temporary suspend the special permit for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road until current violations are addressed. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried. A letter will be issued to Mr. Sheldon.

Correspondence was discussed.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Camerota. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

______________________                                                      _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                             Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                 Chairperson

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Joe Popovitch

Barry Kapplan

Andy Mihaliak

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

The meeting of September 6, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat an alternate. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of September 6, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The Commission discussed Public Act 23-142. The current regulations comply with the Act. Mike Kneeland made a motion to move forward with a compliance letter for the Board of Selectman to review and submit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried.

Earth Light submitted a zoning application to add 21 SunPower modules and inverters to 617 Buckley Highway. Barry Kapplan made a motion to accept the application. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was accepted.

Correspondence was discussed. Mike Kneeland submitted a letter resigning as assistant Zoning Enforcement Officer effective immediately.

Current zoning regulation revisions were reviewed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

______________________                                                      _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                             Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                                 Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Joe Popovitch

Andy Mihaliak

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of September 6, 2023 was called to order at 7:33 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat twp alternates. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol Berner and Erick Ponkala were seated.

The minutes of August 2, 2023 were reviewed. Carol Berner made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The minutes of August 16, 2023 were reviewed. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed.

ZEO report was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Andy Mihaliak

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of August 16, 2023 was called to order at 7:32 pm.

Andy Mihaliak motioned to seat an alternate. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of August 2, 2023 were tabled for the next meeting.

Brian Sheldon of 154 Cemetery Road requested to be heard. Mike Kneeland made a motion to add Mr. Sheldon to the agenda. Andy Mihaliak seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Sheldon discussed plans of building a temporary bridge on his property at 154 Cemetery Road in order for his work trucks to use Buckley Highway instead of Cemetery Road. The Commission advised Mr. Sheldon to present plans for the bridge with his special permit renewal application by November 2, 2023.

ZEO report was discussed.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of August 2, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland, Carol Berner, and Erick Ponkala were seated.

The minutes of July 19, 2023 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Carol Berner seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to add Richard Ott, 601 Buckley Highway, to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Richard Ott discussed with the Commission enclosing part of a 20’ x 20’ deck that he had a previous zoning permit issued, #17003. The changes were added to the existing permit.

Town Clerk Heidi Bradrick notified the Commission of her intention to request permission to destroy files pertaining to William Barnsley that did not require recording. Carol Berner motioned to approve the Town Clerk to move forward with her request. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Dan Camerota abstained.

ZEO salary was discussed.

The Commission discussed contacting the law office of Murtha Cullina LLP to inquiry about a retainer.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Camerota. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Dan Camerota

Joe Popovitch

Andy Mihaliak

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Erick Ponkala (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of July 19, 2023 was called to order at 7:32 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat an alternate. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol Berner was seated.

The minutes of June 21, 2023 were reviewed. Carol Berner made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Rosemary Rummel submitted a zoning application for a 12’ x 18’ pre-built shed at 139 Stickney Hill Road. Andy Mihaliak made a motion to approve the application. Carol Berner seconded the motion. The Commission approved the application. Permit # 23011 issued.

$85 paid. Signature from Rosemary Rummel required.

Correspondence was discussed, including Windham Water Works and notice of exempt modification at Bald Hill.

The commission discussed permit fees.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Andy Mihaliak. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Brian Lambert

Dan Camerota

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of June 21, 2023 was called to order at 7:35 pm.

The minutes of June 7, 2023 were reviewed. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

ZEO report was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Brian Lambert

Dan Camerota

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of June 7, 2023 was called to order at 7:31 pm.

The minutes of May 17, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the zoning application for a 12’ x 40’ deck at 309 Stickney Hill Road submitted by Linda Wuchevich on May 17, 2023. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the application. Permit # 23009 issued.

John Haire and Laroche Builders submitted a zoning application for an 8’ x 12’ deck at 28 Hall Road. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The Commission approved the application. Permit # 23010 issued. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The meeting of May 17, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat both alternates. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Stan Calabrese were seated.

The minutes of May 3, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Phillip Perkins submitted a zoning application for an 8’ x 12’ shed on 5 Skopek Road. Barry Kapplan motioned to approve the zoning permit. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The Commission approved the application. Permit #23008 issued. $85.00 paid.

Mike Kneeland motioned to add Next Generation Construction LLC to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Next Generation Construction LLC submitted a zoning application for a 12’ x 40’ deck at 309 Stickney Hill Road, owned by Linda Wuchevich. Barry Kapplan motioned to accept the zoning application. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The Commission accepted the application. $85.00 paid.

ZEO report was discussed.

Zoning regulations were reviewed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The meeting of May 17, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to seat both alternates. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Stan Calabrese were seated.

The minutes of May 3, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Phillip Perkins submitted a zoning application for an 8’ x 12’ shed on 5 Skopek Road. Barry Kapplan motioned to approve the zoning permit. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The Commission approved the application. Permit #23008 issued. $85.00 paid.

Mike Kneeland motioned to add Next Generation Construction LLC to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Next Generation Construction LLC submitted a zoning application for a 12’ x 40’ deck at 309 Stickney Hill Road, owned by Linda Wuchevich. Barry Kapplan motioned to accept the zoning application. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The Commission accepted the application. $85.00 paid.

ZEO report was discussed.

Zoning regulations were reviewed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:17 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Brian Lambert

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

The meeting of April 19, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat an alternate. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. All were in favor. Stan Calabrese was seated.

The minutes of April 5, 2023 were reviewed. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mike Thibeault, representing Mr. Jeskey and Ms. Messina, submitted an inland/wetland application for a lakeshore retaining wall on their Holland Lake property (11/04/021) on April 5, 2023. Brian Lambert motioned to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. The application was approved.

Dan Gleason submitted a zoning application for a 10’ x 10’ gazebo at 380 Stickney Hill Road. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the application. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. Permit #23007 issued. $85.00 cash paid.

ZEO report was discussed.

Zoning regulations were reviewed.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:       Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of April 5, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Carol Berner were seated.

The minutes of March 15, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Bill Hull submitted a zoning application for a 16’ x 20’ cabin on Old Brown Road (04/21/018). Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. The Commission assigned the property street number 162 Old Brown Road. Permit #23006 issued. $85.00 for the application. $90.00 cash paid. Commission member Dan Camerota gave Mr. Hull $5.00 change.

Mike Thibeault, representing Mr. Jeskey and Ms. Messina, submitted an inland/wetland application for a lakeshore retaining wall on their Holland Lake property (11/04/021). Dan Camerota made a motion to accept the application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was accepted. $210 paid.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to add Mr. and Mrs. Latour, 121 Barrows Road, to the agenda. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor.

Mr. and Mrs. Latour addressed concerns about their property reported to the Commission. A request was made by Mr. Latour to be notified prior to any visit of his property at 121 Barrows Road by a member of the Commission or the ZEO.

ZEO report was discussed.

Zoning regulations were reviewed.

Dan Camerota made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:        Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

The meeting of March 15, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat an alternate. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Stan Calabrese was seated.

The minutes of March 1, 2023 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Julie Solomon and Chris Magnano submitted a zoning application and plans to rebuild their home on 23 Cemetery Road. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the application. Stan Calabrese seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. Permit #23004 issued. $210 paid.

Richard Gottier submitted a zoning application for a barn addition at 5 Town Hall Road. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the application. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. Permit #23005 issued. $85.00 paid.

Mike Tebow, a general contractor, inquired to the Commission what he would need to build a lake wall for a property partially in Union (Holland Lake) but majority in Holland, MA. The Commission advised the submission of a wetland permit.

Correspondence was discussed.

Zoning regulations were reviewed.

Dan Camerota made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.

______________________                                                    _____________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:        Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Brian Lambert

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

The meeting of March 1, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Brian Lambert made a motion to seat an alternate. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of February 15, 2023 were reviewed. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Julie Solomon and Chris Magnano presented plans to rebuild their home on 23 Cemetery Road and inquired what they would need to submit to the Commission once they received Northeast approval. The Commission recommended the necessary steps to move forward with a zoning application.

Keith Parker submitted a zoning application for a pre-built 12’ x 24’ shed on 406 Stickney Hill Road. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. Permit # 22019 issued. $85.00 paid.

Brian Lambert motioned to add Charles Vidich, a resident of Ashford, Connecticut, to the agenda. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Charles Vidich discussed with the Commission a current project proposed to the Planning and Zoning Commission in Ashford, Connecticut. He also inquired if the Commission feels the buildable lot standard in Union has been beneficial for the town.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike Kneeland. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

______________________                                                   _______________________

Leanne Lake                                                                           Lee Fitzgerald

Recording Secretary                                                               Chairman

Members present:        Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Brian Lambert

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Stan Calabrese (alternate)

The meeting of February 15, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of February 1, 2023 were reviewed. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Scott Mangold presented plans and a zoning application for a 24’ x 22’ addition at 119 Webster Road and application was accepted on February 1, 2023. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the application contingent on paperwork. Brian Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was approved. Permit #22017 issued.

Brian Lambert motioned to add Rick Gottier to the agenda. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Rick Gottier discussed repairing the barn at 5 Town Hall Road. The Commission recommended submitting a zoning application for an addition to the existing barn.

Mike Kneeland submitted plans and a zoning application for a chicken coop. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The application was approved. Permit #22018 issued. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Lee Fitzgerald (Chairman)

Brian Lambert

Joe Popovitch

Dan Camerota

Carol Berner (alternate)

Mat Silbermann (ZEO)

The meeting of February 1, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Brian Lambert made a motion to seat the alternate. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Carol Berner was seated.

The minutes of January 18, 2023 were reviewed. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

ZEO report was discussed.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to notify the Board of Selectmen with the Commission’s support to seat Stan Calabrese as an alternate to fill the current vacancy. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Carol Berner motioned to add Scott Mangold to the agenda. Dan Camerota seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Scott Mangold presented plans and a zoning application for a 24’ x 22’ addition at 119 Webster Road. Brian Lambert made a motion to accept the application. Carol Berner seconded the motion. All were in favor. Application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dan Camerota. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Lee Fitzgerald

Brian Lambert

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of January 18, 2023 was called to order at 7:35 pm.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to seat the alternates. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mike Kneeland and Carol Berner were seated.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to assign Lee Fitzgerald as Chairman for the Commission. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The minutes of January 4, 2022 were reviewed. Brian Lambert made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

Mabel Whyte inquired if she had enough acreage on 19 Gilbronson Road for someone to build a house if she sold the property. The Commission stated due to the age of the lot and a previous dwelling on the property, a house would be allowed on the .87 acres but it would have to meet the current seatbacks.

Correspondence was discussed.

Mat Silbermann resigned from his seat with the Commission with the Town Clerk on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. Brian Lambert made a motion to fill the seat vacancy with alternate Dan Camerota for the remainder of Mat Silbermann’s term ending July 1, 2027. Carol Berner seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried. An alternate seat is now vacant.

ZEO report was discussed.

The Commission reviewed current zoning regulations.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert. Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann (Chairman)

Lee Fitzgerald

Brian Lambert

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of January 4, 2023 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of December 21, 2022 were reviewed. Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the minutes. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Correspondence was discussed.

ZEO report was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert.  Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann (Chairman)

Lee Fitzgerald

Barry Kapplan

Joe Popovitch

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of December 21, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to seat Mike Kneeland. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. Mike Kneeland was seated.

The minutes of November 16, 2022 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of December 7, 2022 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Richard and Nan Hayden previous submitted a zoning application to build a 12’ x 16’ greenhouse at 28 Reed Road. $85.00 was previously paid. Mike Kneeland made a motion to approve the zoning application. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The application was approved. Permit # 22015 was issued.

Philip and Jessica Mccaffrey submitted a zoning application to build a 1500 square foot house with a 580 square foot detached garage at 160 Stickney Hill Road. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the zoning application. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The application was approved. Permit # 22016 was issued. $210 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike Kneeland.  Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Joseph Popovitch

Brian Lambert

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of December 7, 2022 was called to order at 7:34 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. The alternates were seated.

The minutes of November 16, 2022 were tabled for the next meeting.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to add Richard and Nan Hayden to the agenda.

Richard and Nan Hayden presented a zoning application to build a 12’ x 16’ greenhouse at 28 Reed Road. Brian Lambert motioned to accept the zoning application. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The application was accepted. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carol Berner.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.


Leanne Lake

Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Joe Popovitch

Barry Kapplan

Brian Lambert

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of November 16, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Brian Lambert made a motion to seat the alternates. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of November 02, 2022 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Jennifer Lockwood submitted a zoning permit application for a 12’x 5’ utility shed at 77 Old Brown Road. Brian Lambert motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22013 issued. $85.00 paid.

Chris Young submitted a zoning permit application for a 2000 square foot house at 78 Cemetery Road. Brian Lambert motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. An as built will be required. Permit #22014 issued. $210.00 paid.

The Commission discussed Public Act 21-29.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.

______________________                                           ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Barry Kapplan

Lee Fitzgerald

Brian Lambert

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The meeting of October 19, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Brian Lambert made a motion to seat the alternates. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of October 5, 2022 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The Commission discussed the barn being built at 180 Stickney Hill Road.

The Commission assigned street number 20 for Jeff Cavar’s property on Mashapaug Road (16/06/011).

The Commission further discussed the special permit application for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road.

Land use zoning regulations and proper reporting to the state were reviewed.

ZEO report was discussed.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:
Mat Silbermann, Chairman
Joe Popovitch
Barry Kapplan
Brian Lambert
Lee Fitzgerald
Mike Kneeland (alternate)
Dan Camerota (alternate)
Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of September 7, 2022 was called to order at 8:30 pm.

The Public Hearing minutes of August 17, 2022 were reviewed. Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The regular minutes of August 17, 2022 were reviewed. Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Jeff Cavar previously submitted a zoning permit application for a 20’ x 24’ barn on Mashapaug Road (16/06/014). Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Brian Lambert seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22010 issued. $85.00 previously paid. The Commission will assign a street number at the next meeting.

William Saunders submitted a zoning permit application to build a shed at 150 Webster Road.

Correspondence was discussed.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Barry Kapplan. Meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm.

______________________                                ______________________
Mat Silbermann                                                            Leanne Lake
Chairman                                                                       Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Joseph Popovitch

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The meeting of August 17, 2022 was called to order at 8:56 pm.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to seat the alternates. Mat Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of August 03, 2022 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Mike Kneeland seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Doug Teeson requested to be heard. He asked the Commission to consider what is their intention regarding certification by the soil and water conservation district and how will bonding be reinforced regarding Brian’s Sheldon special permit application for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road?

Chris Young and Jeff Cavar requested to be heard. The Commission approved the request.

Jon Beaulieu submitted a zoning permit application to build a 2300 square foot house at 66 Cemetery Road. Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Joe Popovitch seconded. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22009 issued. $210.00 paid.

Chris Young presented plans to build a house on Cemetery Road. The Commission requested he get a letter from Northeast before submitting an application.

Jeff Cavar submitted a zoning permit application for a 20’ x 24’ barn on his lot on Mashapaug Road. The Commission will vote to approve the zoning permit at a later meeting. $85.00 paid.

Correspondence was discussed.

The Commission read four letters submitted at the earlier Public Hearing regarding Brian Sheldon’s special permit application for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road.

The Commission reviewed the Affordable Housing Plan.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike Kneeland. Meeting adjourned at 9:28 pm.

______________________                                           ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Joseph Popovitch

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

The Public Hearing of August 17, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Mat Silbermann read the legal notice as posted in the Hartford Courant.

The special permit application and plans for the removal of 100,000 cubic yards of sand and gravel from a 3-acre area located on property at 154 Cemetery Road was presented by Quinebaug Forestry & Mulching Products LLC, represented by Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sheldon, David Smith, and Paul Archer.

Interested parties were invited to be heard. Union residents asked questions and voiced their concerns or support. These residents included Howard Mosher, David Eaton, Doug Teeson, Chris Magnano, Susan & Edward Bernat, Stan Calabrese, Dwight Woytowick, Mike Anger, Jon Beaulieu, Andy Mihalik, John Bousquet, Heidi Bradrick, Jeff Lemire, Maureen Eaton, & Jim Luczek.

Questions and concerns included increased traffic, wear and tear of the roads, increased noise, water contamination, crushing and blasting, hours of operation, future development of the property, and surrounding property values.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to continue the hearing, seconded by Joe Popovitch.

_____________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Joseph Popovitch

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

David Eaton, First Selectman

The meeting of August 3, 2022 was called to order at 7:32 pm.

Joe Popovitch made a motion to seat the alternates. Mat Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of July 20, 2022 were reviewed. Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

First Selectman David Eaton presented recommendations made by NECCOG concerning affordable housing. The Commission will review the recommendations.

Correspondence was discussed.

The Commission reviewed plans submitted by Brian Sheldon (Quinebaug Forestry and Mulching Products LLC) for the Public Hearing on August 17, 2022. Mat Silbermann will reach out to Mr. Sheldon before the hearing.

ZEO report. Mike Kneeland measured the new 12 x 16 deck built at 121 Barrows Road and found no discretions from the approved permit.

The Commission reviewed current town zoning regulations.

Carol Berner made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lee Fitzgerald. Meeting adjourned at  8:35 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Barry Kapplan

Brian Lambert

Joseph Popovitch

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of July 20, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of June 15, 2022 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The commission reviewed an As Built for 144 Stickney Hill Road. Mat Silbermann approved and signed the Occupancy/Use Permit.

Quinebaug Forestry and Mulching LLC, represented by Brian Sheldon, presented revised plans for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. A special permit and inland/wetland application was later submitted by Mr. Sheldon for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. Brian Lambert motioned to accept the special permit and inland/wetland application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission accepted the applications. $360.00 was paid for the special application. $210.00 was paid for the inland/wetland application. A public hearing is also required for the town residents to be able to review and ask any questions regarding the special permit. A public hearing was set by the Commission for August 17, 2022 at 7:30 pm at the Union Town Hall.

Kathy Paul submitted a zoning permit application and plans for a 12×16 gazebo at 201 Stickney Hill Road. Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22006 issued. $85.00 paid.

Glen Latour submitted a zoning permit application for a 12×16 deck at 121 Barrows Road. It was recommended that ZEO Mike Kneeland measure the deck after completion. Barry Kapplan motioned to approve the zoning permit. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22007 issued. $85.00 paid.

Jon Beaulieu presented Map #574 regarding changes for 66 Cemetery Road. Mat Silbermann signed Map #574 to be filed with the Town Clerk.

Ray Crossen presented plans to convert his two-car garage to a studio at 90 Cemetery Road. The Commission did not need to approve anything. Mr. Crossen was instructed to check with the building inspector, Joe Pajak.

Rian Savage submitted a zoning permit application for a sauna at 30 Hall Road. Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22008 issued. $85.00 paid.

The Commission reviewed barn plans for Peter Barlow at 180 Stickney Hill Road. The Commission will not require a permit due to existing foundation but will request Mr. Barlow submits an As Built when finished.

The Commission discussed modified septic and plot plans e-mailed by Thomas Flannery for 95 Webster Road. Nothing new will be required from Mr. Flannery at this time.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:    Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Barry Kapplan

Brian Lambert

Joseph Popovitch

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of July 20, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of June 15, 2022 were reviewed. Barry Kapplan made a motion to approve the minutes. Joe Popovitch seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The commission reviewed an As Built for 144 Stickney Hill Road. Mat Silbermann approved and signed the Occupancy/Use Permit.

Quinebaug Forestry and Mulching LLC, represented by Brian Sheldon, presented revised plans for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. A special permit and inland/wetland application was later submitted by Mr. Sheldon for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. Brian Lambert motioned to accept the special permit and inland/wetland application. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission accepted the applications. $360.00 was paid for the special application. $210.00 was paid for the inland/wetland application. A public hearing is also required for the town residents to be able to review and ask any questions regarding the special permit. A public hearing was set by the Commission for August 17, 2022 at 7:30 pm at the Union Town Hall.

Kathy Paul submitted a zoning permit application and plans for a 12×16 gazebo at 201 Stickney Hill Road. Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22006 issued. $85.00 paid.

Glen Latour submitted a zoning permit application for a 12×16 deck at 121 Barrows Road. It was recommended that ZEO Mike Kneeland measure the deck after completion. Barry Kapplan motioned to approve the zoning permit. Lee Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22007 issued. $85.00 paid.

Jon Beaulieu presented Map #574 regarding changes for 66 Cemetery Road. Mat Silbermann signed Map #574 to be filed with the Town Clerk.

Ray Crossen presented plans to convert his two-car garage to a studio at 90 Cemetery Road. The Commission did not need to approve anything. Mr. Crossen was instructed to check with the building inspector, Joe Pajak.

Rian Savage submitted a zoning permit application for a sauna at 30 Hall Road. Lee Fitzgerald motioned to approve the zoning permit. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. The Commission approved the permit. Permit #22008 issued. $85.00 paid.

The Commission reviewed barn plans for Peter Barlow at 180 Stickney Hill Road. The Commission will not require a permit due to existing foundation but will request Mr. Barlow submits an As Built when finished.

The Commission discussed modified septic and plot plans e-mailed by Thomas Flannery for 95 Webster Road. Nothing new will be required from Mr. Flannery at this time.

Brian Lambert made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Joe Popovitch. Meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm.

______________________                                           ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Barry Kapplan

Joseph Popovitch

Carol Berner (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

The meeting of June 15, 2022 was called to order at 7:34 pm.

A motion was made by Joe Popovitch to seat the alternates. Barry Kaplan seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of May 18, 2022 were reviewed. Dan Camerota made a motion to approve the minutes. Carol Berner seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The minutes of June 1, 2022 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Carol Berner seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Sheldon Realty presented a special permit application and plans for earth removal at 154 Cemetery Road. The Commission asked they return next meeting with updated changes to their plans for consideration.

Mr. Luczak requested a property number assigned to his parcel on Cemetery Road (13/18/018). The Commission issued number 124, changing the property address to 124 Cemetery Road.

Barry Kapplan made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carol Berner. Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Barry Kapplan

Joseph Popovitch

Brian Lambert

Lee Fitzgerald

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of June 1, 2022 was called to order at 7:30 pm.

The minutes of May 4, 2022 were reviewed. Joe Popovitch made a motion to approve the minutes. Mat Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

The commission discussed the telecommunications tower on 23 Holland Road and Mr. Luczak’s request to extend his current permit.

Property Survey Map #572, 3.2 acres transferred from Gibson to Williams on Crawford Drive West, was reviewed and signed by Mat Silbermann.

Brian Lambert made a motion to appoint Leanne Lake as Recording Secretary for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Barry Kapplan seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried.

The commission reviewed current town zoning regulations.

Lee Fitzgerald made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Brian Lambert.  Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Members present:        Mat Silbermann, Chairman

Mike Kneeland (alternate)

Dan Camerota (alternate)

Carol Berner (alternate)

The meeting of May 18, 2022 was called to order at 7:36 pm.

Mat Silbermann made a motion to seat the alternates. Motion was carried.

Mat Silbermann discussed various complaints reported to him regarding chickens. ZEO Mike Kneeland will visit the residents.

The commission revisited the zoning compliance issues related to 1 Mashapaug Rd.

The commission reviewed current town zoning regulations. 30 minutes of each meeting going forward will be devoted to regulations until all have been reviewed.

Mike Kneeland made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Carol Berner.  Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.

______________________                                                    ______________________

Mat Silbermann                                                                       Leanne Lake

Chairman                                                                                 Recording Secretary

Board of Selectmen Upcoming Meetings Calendar

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